Below is a list of brewing and general forum acronyms and terms.
AA - Alpha acid
AAA - American Amber Ale
AAE - alpha amylase enzyme
AAU - Alpha Acid Unit
ABV - Alcohol By Volume
ABW - Alcohol By Weight
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFD - Alcohol Free Day
AG - All Grain
AHA - American Homebrewers Association
AHB - Aussie Home Brewer
ANAWBS - Australian National Amateur Wine and Beer Show
APA - American Pale Ale
ATM - At The Moment
BAE - beta amylase enzyme
BB - Brew Booster
Bbl - Barrel (31 gallons in U.S.)
BE - Brew Enhancer - Coopers - also BE2
BIAB - Brew in a Bag
BIN - Buy It Now - Ebay.
BJCP - Beer Judge Certification Program
BK - Boil Kettle
BOAB - Brewing On A Budget
Bottle bombs - overcarbonated bottles that are in danger of exploding or do in fact explode. Often created when the wort has been bottled prior to primary fermentation being complete.
BP - BrewPub
BS - BullS**t
BTU - British thermal units
BTW - By The Way
BUMP - Bump Up My Post(a recursive acronym, or backronym!)
BYO - Brew Your Own (print magazine) -
CaCO3 - calcium carbonate (chalk)
CAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale
CAP - Classic American Pilsner
CaSO4 - calcium sulfate (gypsum)
CC - Cold Condition
CF - Counter Flow
CFC - Counter Flow Chiller
CFWC - Counter Flow Wort Chiller
CO - carbon monoxide
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
Cold break - proteins that coagulate as wort cools.
CP - Charlie Papazian
CPA - Coopers (Original) Pale Ale
CPBF - Counter Pressure Bottle Filler
CPF - Counter Pressure Filler
CPVC - chlorinated polyvinyl choloride (plastic)
CSA - Cold Side Aeration
CSA - Coopers Sparking Ale
DAB - Dortmunder Actien Brauerei
DCL - DCL Yeast - formerly Fermentis - Safale, Saflager etc.
DCS - Dried Corn Syrup (MaltoDextrin)
DE - diatamacious earth (filter)
DE - diastatic enzyme
DLM - Dry Light Malt (Extract)
DM - Dave Miller
DME - Dry Malt Extract
DME - dark malt extract (uncommon)
DME - diastatic malt extract (uncommon)
DMS - DiMethyl Sulfide
DMS - diastatic malt syrup (as in Edme DMS extract)
DMSO - dimethyl sulfoxide
DWC - DeWolf Cosyns (malting company)
EBC - European Brewers Convention, a measure of grains/beer colour. See SRM
EE - extract efficiency (uncommon)
EF - Edmund Fitzgerald Robust Porter, brewed by the Great Lakes Brewing Company.
EKG - East Kent Goldings (hop variety)
EM - EasyMasher (Jack Schmidling Product)
ESB - Eastern Suburbs Brewmaker
ESB - Extra/English Special Bitter
FAN - Free Amino-Nitrogen, helps yeast do stuff
FAQ - frequently asked question
FB - False Bottom (lautering)
FDA - United States Food & Drug Administration
Fermenter - usually a sealed unit used to keep a fermentation safe from infection.
FFS - For F*** Sake
FG - Finished/Final Gravity (see also OG and SG)
FV - fermentation vessel
FWH - First wort hopping
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYI - For Your Information
GABF - Great American Beer Festival
GBBF - Great British Beer Festival
G&G - Grain and Grape - HBS
Gravity - is the concentration of sugar in the wort or beer. There are various methods of measurement, one of which is degrees Plato (see below). Related terms are OG and FG - original gravity and final gravity. OG is the gravity at the start of fermentation and FG is the gravity at the end of fermentation.
GPM - gallons per minute
Grist - the total body of grains used in a mash. There needs to be at least 50% malted grain such as barley or wheat. Zero to 50% (approx.) of the mash may be unmalted cereal grains, flour, or other forms of starch (e.g., pumpkin, potato, etc.).
HB - Home Brew!
HBD - Homebrew Digest
HBS - Home Brew Store/Shop
HBU - Homebrew Bittering Unit - Hop Measurement by John Palmer
HDPE - High Density PolyEthylene - a plastic, used for fermentors, stirring spoons, etc.
HERMIT - Heat Exchange Recirculating Mash Infusion T.... (Tank/Tun?) - Hybrid RIMS/HERMS system
HERMS - Heat Exchange Recirculating Mash System
HEX - Heat Exchange
HLB - hot liquor bath
HLT - Hot liquor tank - A vessel used for heating water to be used for brewing.
HNO3 - nitric acid
Hot break - proteins that coagulate whilst boiling the wort
HP - High Pressure(?) gas burner
HSA - Hot side aeration
HTB - How To Brew - John Palmer's free online(print avail.) book.
HTFU - Harden The F--- Up.
IBU - International Bittering Unit; 1 IBU=1 mg iso alpha acid in 1 litre of wort
IBU - Illawarra Brewers Union (An Australian brewing group based in the Illawarra Region 100 km south of Sydney)
ID - internal diameter
IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
IMC - International Malting Company
IMHO - In My Humble/Honest Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IOW - in other words
IPA - India Pale Ale
IRA - Irish Red Ale
JW - Joe White
K&B or KnB - Kits and Bits - Kit of hopped malt extract, extra malt extract, extra hops and special yeast.
K&K or K+K - Kit (hopped malt extract) and Kilo (sugar)
Kettle - used to boil your wort.
Krausen (n.) - pron. "kroysen". A foamy head of proteins that forms on the top of actively fermenting beer formed by carbon dioxide carrying proteins to the surface during fermentation.
Krausen (vt.) - foaming yeast activity floating on top of a fermenting wort.
Krausen line - is produced whilst fermenting, makes a brown-dirty edge at top of the fermenter
L - degree Lovibond (measure of color)
L - degree Lintner (spell out to avoid confusion with above)
LA - low alcohol
Lager (n.) - beer produced by bottom fermenting yeast (Sacchoromyces carlsbergensis) and lagering
Lager (vt.) - to store fermented beer for an extended period at low temperature.
Lagering (n.) - the act of storing beer for an extended period at low temperature.
Larger - something bigger.
Lauter tun - a vessel containing a false bottom or manifold that is slotted, perforated or made of mesh to prevent the passage of malt husks and thus allows extraction of clear wort from the mash. (German: Lauter = Clear or Pure) - Pronounced: Lowter, like Cow or Now.
Lautering - separating the wort from the grist after a mash. - Pronounced: Loytering, like Toy. (German: Läuterung = Purification. - pron: Loyteroong like Full).
LC - Little Creatures
LCPA - Little Creatures Pale Ale
LHBS - Local Home Brew Store/Shop
LME - Liquid Malt Extract
LMK - Let Me Know
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LPG - liquefied propane gas
LT - lauter tun
Malt - grain that has been germinated for four to seven days to activate starch-conversion enzymes before being dried and kilned.
Mash (n.) - the mix of grist and hot water.
Mash (vt.) - to convert staches in grist to fermentable sugars and long-chain dextrins by the action of enzymes in the malt portion of the grist in a mix of water and grist held at a temperature between 60 and 70 degrees centigrade.
Mash tun - Vessel used to mash grains in. Often built as combined mash/lauter tun (see lauter tun).
MB's - MasterBrew's (Grumpy's)
MBAA - Master Brewers Association of America
MD - MaltoDextrin
MgSO4 - magnesium sulfate (epsom salt)
MJ - Michael Jackson (the beer writer, not the weird dude)
MLT - Mash & Lauter Tun
MM - malt mill
MO - Maris Otter - variety of Barley
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
MT - mash tun
N2 - nitrogen
NA - non-alcoholic
NaCHO3 - sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
NaCl - sodium chloride (table salt)
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Apparently, the NASA burner sounds like the shuttle!
NB - Northern Brewer hops
NC - 'No Chill' method for cooling boiled wort
NE - NorthEast (or New England) region of USA
NG - natural gas
NHC - National Homebrew Competition (in USA)
Noble hop - European hops such as Hallertauer, Saaz, Tettnanger, Spalter which have been specially bred so as to virtually eliminate the male version of the plant, so there are no seeds in the cones (flowers). They generally are low in bitterness and high in aroma.
O2 - oxygen
OD - outer diameter
OG - Original Gravity (see also FG and SG)
OHS - Over Hot Side(?)
OLHBS - OnLine HomeBrew Store/Shop
OMG - Oh My God
OPA - Original Pale Ale (Coopers)
OTOH - On The Other Hand....blahblahblah
P - Plato (density measurement, see also SG)
PET - PolyEthylene Terephthalate - plastic, used for bottles, like Coke etc
pH - potential hydrogen (measure of acidity)
PITA - Pain In The Arse
PKU - Please Keep Up
Plato/degrees Plato - (øP) - unit measuring sugar content of the wort. Named for a German chemist, one degree Plato represents a sugar content equivalent to 1% sucrose by weight.
PM - Private/Personal Message
PNW - Pacific Northwest (region of USA)
POR - Pride of Ringwood
ppg - points per gallon (extract efficiency)
ppm - part per million (mg/l)
Prime (vt.) - to add fermentables to a finished beer at bottling or kegging to induce secondary fermentation and subsequent carbonation of the beer.
PS - PostScript
PSI - pounds per square inch (pressure)
PSR - Pink Stain R(?) - Chlorinated Trisodium Phosphate - aka: Pink Neo Sanitiser
PU - Pilsner Urquell (uncommon)
PVC - PolyVinylChloride - Vinyl tubing
R2D - Ready to Drink
RB - Roasted Barley
RCD - Residual-Current Device
RDWHAHB - Relax, Don't Worry, Have A Home Brew!
RFC - request for comment
RIMS - acronym for Recirculating Infusion Mash System
RIS - Russian imperial stout
RO - Reverse Osmosis (water filtration)
ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing
RTFM - read the flaming manual
SG - Specific Gravity (see also FG and OG)
Slurry - mixture of yeast and trub
SMM - S-methyl methionine
SNPA - Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sparge (vt.) - A method of extracting sugars from mashed grain by addition of hot water. Types include fly sparge (adding a steady trickle of water to maintain a constant head of water above the grain), flood sparge (adding sparge water in increments so the head is repeatedly falling and being raised), and batch sparge the mash tun is repeatedly completely drained and a batch of sparge water added and the tun drained again--usually repeated two to three times).
Speise - a part of wort held back til the primary fermentation is done. Then, while racking/bottling, add about 8% Speise to the young beer to start a second fermentation in the keg/bottles to get the right amount of CO2 in the beer.
Splurge - spend excessive amounts on brewing bling.
SRM - Standard Reference Method (Standard for USA), Sometimes called Lovibond. See EBC
SS - Stainless Steel
SS - SodaStream
SWMBO - She Who Must Be Obeyed (aka: the missus or The Wife)
TBH - To Be Honest ... blah blah blah
TCHBOHB - The Complete Hand Book of Home Brewing (Dave Miller)
TIA - thanks in advance
TKT - Thread Killa Thread
TNCJOHB - The New Complete Joy of Home Brewing (Charlie Papazian)
Toucan Brew - Beer recipe using two cans of pre-hopped liquid malt extract (Kits) water and yeast only.
TR - Tap Room
Trub - pronounced troob - hops and proteins left at the bottom of a brewing vessel; protein, hop residue and yeast at the bottom of a fermenter.
TSP - TriSodium Phosphate - popular HB Cleaner/Sanitiser
TTLA - Timothy Taylors Landlord Ale
TW - Torrified Wheat - puffed wheat.
TWOC - Tina's World Of Crafts(!) HBS in Perth
URL - uniform resource locator (WWW address)
USFDA - United States Food & Drug Administration
VB - Victoria Bitter - bottled/canned water
Wart - A viral infection of the skin that causes unsightly lumps. Not to be confused with wort.
WBBD - Whole Bag Brew Day - full 25kg mash brew!
WCB - West Coast Brewers.
WK - Windisch Kolbach (also W-K), measure of diastatic power
WL - White Labs (also WLP)
Wort -pronounced wert (like word) - the unfermented liquor from which beer is made. Not to be confused with lumpy growths which can occur on the skin!
WTF - What The F*$! ?
WWW - world wide web
WY - Wyeast
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
Zwickel - is a cloudy cellar beer, bottom fermented, a kind of unfiltered lager beer.